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Panic Mode... Degenerating over time

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I feel strongly that the Panic noise, needs to slowly disappear as your character stays alive.

Essentially when you spawn at the Coast after dying or first logging in, your character is new, and "he" isn't ready for the zombies.

As you spend hours fighting zombies, and surviving, slowly but surely your character hardens, until the panic mode doesn't occur. Maybe unless your surrounded with no hope. Just one last blood curdling scream as you're being ripped apart.

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I agree with you. The noise gets particularily annoying over an extended period of time and sometimes he seems to freak out for no reason. Gradual decrease in panic is a really nice solution if it can be done.

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Zombies killed: 120

Zombie sighted 50 feet away: OMG WTF HELP ME IM SCARED SOMEONE HOLD ME

I hope he implements something so that the amount of zeds killed affects how much you panic...because come on now. Im carrying around zed fingertips and ears like an Argyll in afghanistan but I get near one zed and start freaking out...really?

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I agree. Some experience and "getting used" to the zombies around should be seen. Because now your character has a small orgasm every time he sees zombies, no matter if he's new here or he went through half the map and met so many zombies that alive characters start to look weirder than the undead zig-zaggers

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Yeah I think it would make sense that the panic sounds were dependent on the number of zombie kills you have

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This would be a great way to still have the panic sound, but also have it not be annoying for experienced players! Hopefully rocket sees it

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Also it seemed that panic mode is triggered by radius, not by sphere of influence... So if you are in an apartment building creepin up the stairs, and a zed walks by the outside walls, it triggers panic mode, even though you are ~40ft above

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