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{Foxfall} Grimm

Seattle 148 Admin Abuse. Tsk Tsk.

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Just shooting out a warning to players as I am an admin on a Seattle server.

Logged in to find a night server because I prefer the night, I was kicked multiple times and came back to get proof.

I am not frustrated about it, it's just that I'd like to do my part in getting rid or reprimanding abusive server admins.

This was due to Human Shield*admin* dying and I'm sure he thought I killed him but that is complete speculation. The following are screenshots of freshly joining the server and getting kicked then an actual screenshot of me loading in and my eyesight attuning to the light and getting kicked.

Players beware.

*Note: I run a 21(ms) latency to my Seattle server and there was no reason being kicked.

(Also, if anyone poses the question "Well why don't you just play on your server then?" Another server admin and I are trying to troubleshoot as to why our VPS at Seattle does not coincide with actual game time. I.E.; 9:18pm PST would render 4:18pm PST in-game when we have set it to GMT -7 and the fact that VPS, you cannot change the time of day in game if you are hosting that way.)

Loaded into the game and then immediately kicked:


Eyes attuning after loading in and kicked:


31 ping and getting kicked after loading in:


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