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out running zombies?

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so far each time i start a new and see a group of zombies...dosent matter how, one will always see me and start chasing me.. and it dosent matter how long or what i run through, they keep up with me no matter what, and i've yet to find a weapon to kill them with before they get to me; and i cant seem to out run them at all. Any tips?

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Play with a group who can teach you how to properly evade zeds.

Based on how you phrased your post, I'm assuming you're trying to run-n-pray (see what I did there?) around town willy nilly.

YOU CANNOT run randomly throughout a town and not expect zeds to come running.

Keep a close eye on your visibility and your noise levels.

PAY ATTENTION to your audio indicators, (white dots on the side of your screen, represent left and right ears picking up animals and zombies)

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no i was doing that at the first few trys till i watched a video of how to sneak and what the two indicators mean. Im asking is it possible to even outrun the "zeds" if the pick up on you, as i just played two more times and each try of sneaking with no noise and i got spotted so I ran for about ten mins till i gave up as it seems you cannot outrun them

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You should just practice and experiment. It's kind of hard to explain. Run up steep hills, run through buildings or structures or make sharp turns around a house. The second you break line of sight, you have to get at least to crouch and try to restealth. The zombies will search where they last saw you, so you need to not only break line of sight, but then move away from where they last saw you. Best plan though is not to be spotted. Scout out an area and watch zombie movements before you try to raid.

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ah, that helps. havnt tried the crouching. thanks for that tip, i had read that line of site and sound is their main triggers so thats what i'm planning around

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Hold down "SHIFT + W" for best results use with a handgun out, and crouched

and you will sneak around...

also i dont know why everyone complains about the aggro distance, i literally bump into zombies and they dont aggro me.

if its a pain to hold down shift (it is for me) then hit SHIFT twice and it will auto sneak until you hit it again.

if you have a horde of zombies, you can run into barns, and wait for them to go half way into the barn (Or any other building) then run out the opposite side then crouch walk away.

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I did the same thing watching the game walkthroughs on the tinternet, saw how easy it was when players just seemed to stroll through zed infested areas. and for a time it was

Then they updated the Mod, and I found the sensitivity of the zeds were increased and made it harder for players to do the strolling. I find (theres a post) Patience is the only way to play, with a side order of knowing thy enemy also.

If you get the chase scenario, jump over fences, run into a building let them enter behind you and then peg it out the other door (Works only with 2 door buildings, dont attempt it in a log house type or your broken punctured lung food) Just do your best to lose LINE OF SIGHT.

My best method for losing them is to run up a steep hill at an angle and A. Carry on running till you lose LINE OF SIGHT.

B. Turn and shoot them (Weapon dependant)

Dont climb a ladder, I find unless theres another ladder or escape on the same building, they may follow you up or hang around the base of the ladder (Snipers are in their element too.

All in all, Patience, Patience, Patience.:dodgy:

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Best thing to do to evade the Zed's is find a Primary weapon like a Hatchet and crawl prone while holding shift. (You must have a primary weapon to be able to stealth crawl as the game won't let you do it till you get a primary. You can also loot without getting up on one knee if you have a primary weapon out. Pistold and sidearms always force you up on one knee to check your gear.

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whenever you are going near a town or village - where zombies spawn - you are best to crouch walk as you make less noise.

trial and error will show you how close you can get to them with out being spotted but the simple one is just dont run when Zs are around.

Evading them - try running across bridges or through houses with 2 ways in/out as the Zs will go slower on the bridge or in the house. If you are near a town on the coast run to the dock area as the Zs dont go onto piers and dock sides.

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lol...only one person on here helped me. and i already thanked him. I already figured out how to evade them, and no, you cant just "literally bump into zombies" cause they will attack you, this has happened to me while i was in prone and i didnt see one behind me.

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Ok to properly evade, you need to tell the difference between stand/crouch/prone and fast and slow

standing and sprinting gives you the most visibility

standing and walking gives you reduced visibility

crouching and moving fast gives you a visibility between the previous 2

crouching and moving slow gives you visibility lower than the top 3, but not as good as:

going prone and slow, gives the best chance to evade at close range.

Stay out of sight of the zombies vision direction (where the head is looking)

Don't move when a zombie is crossing past you within 5m or looking at you

move away from zombies that head to your direction by slowly backing off while lying prone.

wait for zombies to change direction, they head off to random places sometimes and don't care about you.

z's like guns, loud noises and dead bodies, flares and smoke. They will see smoke from very far away and if you throw it far enough you can get zombies to run after it instead of stay near you. (in fact I rescued someone using this tactic as they were stuck in a building)

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that sounds about right disorder...just wondering if bent cans/aluminum cans have any use?

wish there was more people like you on here

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I haven't tested much with the cans they never seemed to work properly and even if I threw one it seems it would still trigger a zombie swarm of those nearby. I would skip over cans and bottles, go right for the hatchet if you can find one (usually on stairwells inside industrial buildings) and some road flares for distractions (you get 10 per slot of those anyway)

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Zombies have lack of sight, obviously, so you if you can atleast lose them for a second through a building or a fence, lay low and go out of sight immediately. (Pay attention to the ear and eye GUI that represent how stealthy you are, or how loud you are being.) They will search that last position, so put a little bit of distance between you and the zombie(s) before you lay down, or you're a sitting duck. :D

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