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Two players looking to form a bigger squad of 6 players.

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We are two players who are looking for other people to play with. We aren't well equipped, but aren't new. We just want some mature, fun, and some what serious players on our side. We aren't the type to log out of a fire fight either, so if you are one of those people please don't add me.

I would like to lead the squad, but I am open to suggestions and constructive criticism/advice when it is needed.

East Coast Time Zone.

steamid: wasabii

(picture is of a girl with an orange sweater holding up a peace sign)

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I would love to join up with you guys. I am ok in terms of equipment (hunting equipment and medical supplies as well as a m4a1 cco and a g17, both with a plethora of ammo) but am getting bored of playing solo. I haven't gotten in to a lot of firefights but I am willing and ready to. But anyways I'd love to join you guys and hope the good times can start :)

Steam and in-game name: oric2121 (picture is alienware logo)

Btw, I'm on the east coast and usually play on Atlanta 79 or US North Carolina 4.


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