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everlasting darkness??

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okay so whenever i try to join a server all i see is the vague outline of trees and mountains in the distance, is this a glitch or is there a silly mistake i made.

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You're joining a server that is currently at night. The time cycle is 24-hour real time.

Press G, right click the flashlight on your tool belt, select Remove from tool belt, when you have it equipped, press L to turn it on.

Turning your brightness and gamma to maximum may also help.

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The server time represents the in-game time, so if your east coast and it's night time, well chances are that server is night time as well.

IF you want a day time server, your going to have to do some calculations on to see what zones are day for you when it's night, and vice versa.

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If you are new to Day Z, I suggest playing on a daytime server so you can navigate properly at night time.

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