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Captain Q

Are bandits what they are out of necessity, rather than out of pleasure?

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In all honesty, with everyone shooting each other, I see no reason why not to become a bandit. I've seen so many instances of a man helping another survivor, but then being killed by that said survivor, that it entirely justifies firing on any and all individuals out of necessity. By that, I start to think that of the 60 thousand or so bandits, 40 thousand are such because they simply have no choice.

Am I right?

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Normally I'm a bandit, then one day I'm on teamspeak with a friend irl. He's like, "Why do you shoot the people? Next time you see someone don't shoot them and see how it turns out."

I took the advice and then boom the people with "no" ammo shot me.

TL;DR it's better to shoot then be shot.

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True. I don't know if I'm a bandit or not because I've looted places and got really nice gear and for a couple days now I have not seen anyone. I had a mindset of killing anyone I see because Side chat got disabled in recent patches for some stupid reason, Most people don't have mics so they can't use in game mic chat either, anyone rarely uses direct chat even when in range, and I've been killed in the most ridiculous of ways by bandits so its time for payback.

I think thats how everyone sees it, as in, they want payback or they just want to get gear quicker. There are some people out there that do it just to be dicks on the internet and others who mostly want revenge/easy gear.

Only people I'll trust is the ones that I've known for years.

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Bandits kill for the pleasure of shiny gucci guns......

When this happens...... people with any gun of the sort must kill everyone who gives them a funny look with a gun.

Thus leading to COD Free For All with your friends outside the game joining and making a team with you....

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The only reason I'm not a bandit is because I've only come across other survivors that have no weapons. I won't shoot spawners - why waste the ammo on good zombie bait? - but anyone with a weapon is fair game. My RoE:

1. If unknowns are aware of presence, KoS. Do not pursue, and make attempts to retreat if possible.

2. If unknowns are unaware of presence, fall back. Do not engage.

It's worked for me. I'd rather run and live than fight and possibly die.

Currently have escaped a few dozen encounters. Most importantly, I'm still alive.

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I only kill other players beacuse I don't want to get shot. If I see that the survivor can see me I usually take the shot, just out of precaution. I try to ask the player if he is friendly or not if I am close to him, but that doesn't guarantee that he is friendly...

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Personally, I became a bandit because I've been shot in the back way too many times by people i've helped. Even before that conversations were way too tense for my likings. Now I kill everyone because they might kill me, much easier philosophy; saves time and deaths.

I'm a bandit because of my blood-lust' date=' the only thing that sates it is the blood of survivors.

[b']They also litter, a lot.

Bolded, I literally laughed out loud. Your avatar made it soo much better too.

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I only kill when the person has something that I need or I feel threatened.

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Its both honestly. I shoot when I'm in danger, or I have the jump on someone. Sometimes I feel bad about it, like when a newb comes running up to me with an axe yelling "friendly" but proceeds to scare the shit outta me anyways thus.. pew pew... But if I get a shot on someone in a gullie, sniping from the tree lines, hehe... thats fun.

Some people are just ass hats though. Our team set up in Cherno for the hell of it last night, and we were helping new palyers get gear out of the city, as a server wide event, and of course that lured in people who wanted to ruin everyones fun.

We even reunited two people that had killed each other in the past, and they apologized to each other with no hard feelings..touching moment man... lol I believe they ended up grouping up after they left us. Cool story right? lol

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Heh, i used not to shoot people that were unarmed or with axe/pistol. However, after seeing my brother getting chased by an axemurderer that got so close that he didnt dare to turn around because he'd be in meele range, hunting season got opened!

Granted, i wouldnt engage a large group with bad weapons, nor kill a hatchet/pistolplayer from really far away...

So, i concurr with TS, I only kill out of the neccessity to protect my own skin.

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Both. I don't want to risk getting shot, so I prefer to shoot first.

Finding decent loot is a nice bonus.

I imagine I might miss out on a cool adventure or two by playing like this, but at the same time I've been alive for many many days now and am glad to not have lost my stuff as well

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It's all about risk versus reward.

You can desperately try to make ends meet from scavenging, fighting off hordes of zombies, risking your life at every turn or save on effort, danger and time by simply taking it from another player.

However I should mention that I'm not hunting down players like I used to, I've moved on to something better. Now I roam empty parts of the map looking for bases, grabbing what I can then demolishing the rest before moving on. And sometimes, if I'm lucky, I stumble across a few players guarding their precious base.

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My first player encounter was someone shouting friendly, me responding friendly as well, and then gunshots as he murdered me despite the fact I was backing away from him and clearly trying to leave him alone (we were in an apartment). My second was getting shot when being chased by zombies and clearly having nothing, having just recently spawned.

I've shot one person since (armed and seeming to aim at me), and have pretty much decided to either avoid or shoot first. From what I can tell, the "decent" people in this game are few and far between. I'll stick with just trusting the friends I play with.

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I play with a buddy at all times and when we first started playing this mod a couple months ago there were a lot less bandits. We used to actually group up with strangers and not get back stabbed and we never shot anyone unless in self defense. Later we were had to change our mind to engage if the people where in our way but leave them alone if they weren't. Now everyone dies because it's not worth the risk to leave them alive as we've learned.

As for why bandits kill the reason is simple zombies are no threat to them they have all the best gear and a stock of back up supplies in case they die and the only pleasure left in the game for them is to ruin other peoples pleasure in the game. I tried being a bandit for a little bit by camping high value areas with a sniper rifle for a little bit and I killed a few people who never knew I was there and had no chance. I took almost no pleasure of it and have consequently decided the best thing to do once you get to the point of having nothing else to do is to just take a break from the game for a while.

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