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Weird thing happened when my brother and i were raiding the tents at Stary yesterday. I was in the tents, my brother was in the forest north of the camp keeping an eye on things, and we heard shooting, probably comming from the deer huts north of Stary. We decide to get out, and start moving west along the hill overlooking Stary, staying on the South side of the hill, so anyone by the deerhuts can't see us. As we reached the outskirts of Stary, I disappeared, and reappeared back in the forest just above the camp. I start making my way west again along the same path, and a minute later, I'm back in the exact same spot north of the camp.

There was no desynch or lag or anything, so I'm not too sure why I was sent back to the exact same place twice. Thoughts?

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Happened twice to me too. Randomly teleported to a position I was at earlier.

First time it happened I switched servers, thinking it was a hacker and not wanting to die to one. Second time I kept playing and nothing weird happened after.

This has been the last two days or so.

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