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LU143 Admin abuse

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On the 8th of Juli (the day I post this) a DayZ streamer named "Dengpeng" streamed his group playing on the server LU143.

They suspected a couple players to streamsnipe, including me and my friend.

We we're playing on the server all day and earlier after the group of Dengpeng first joined the server my friend died without any cause in the middle of nowhere, either caused by the "kill" command of the admin or by a bug (we thought it was a bug then).

It happend again an hour later, and we still believed in a bug.

But then, around 3-4 in the morning, the bus that the streamers group found earlier was attack near Prigorodky, causing it to break down.

A big amount of players near Chernogorsk, including me and my friend headed towards the bus to capture it and kill the streamers.

As they we're still trying to find a tire and repair their bus, the group got swarmed by those players and we could hear a lot of fireing nearby.

Then, the admin of the server started slaying everyone on the server repeatedly with the kill command except for the streamers group, allowing them to repair the bus and escape without any harm.

We then figured the earlier "bugs" were actually the admin killing us to keep us away from the streamer.

By this, me and my friend lost several rounds of loot we had acquired earlier. I hope this gets sorted out quickly, as the admins "slaying rampage" killed probably around 25 innocent players on the server, thus ruining their efford for the day.

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Admins don't have a 'kill command' it's an injected script that would kill you. Now of course it's totally plausible that the admin was using such a script, or one of the streamers - however unprovable unless it shows up in the logs.

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I am one of the Admins on LU143. None of us even knew of such a 'kill' command or script yet alone use it on our server. I know all the Admins of the server very well and none of us would do anything like that so either someone else used this 'kill' script or there wasn't one at all.

None of us stream either or know this Dengpeng and his group. What you say happened is unfortunate but it definitely was nothing to do with any Admin, and quite frankly it is unfair to automatically blame Admins as soon as something like this 'supposedly' happens.

I will check the logs to look for anything suspicious around 3-4 ish in the morning although I don't really even know what I would be looking for as I know nothing about scripts.

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Weird I found this thread due to this was the server I have been playing on for the last week or two and nothing dodgy has happened until last night.

A group of 5 of us were playing there last night, I got one shot sniped and killed along with one other member of the team (second kill was a few mins after me) in hangers at airfield (this doesn't bother me I was fair game), the group I was with found the sniper shortly after the second kill and landed two shot with M24 then a couple of seconds later the server reset.

My friend who was killed after me joined the server again after restart and he has all his gear and was back to the location he was just after I died.

So if my friend got all his gear back I can assume the sniper got all his back aswell.

So Nathanator does the server reset on a regular basis? if so when due to it could be coincidence that this happened but seemed very dodgy at the time.

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I wasn't on at all yesterday so I know nothing of this but what time roughly did this happen and I will look at the logs if I can Sleepy. The server has been TERRIBLE lately, resetting by itself all the time and alot of the time down completely. Been trying to get in touch with Vilayer but they always seem busy. Will try and look into this though.

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