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Cheater on UK9

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We came across a cheater that teleported around our friends after we killed some bandits(dont know if this have anything to do with anything) in novy sobor and stary sobor area. This happened around 2:30am GMT+3 on 8th of July on UK9, server hosted by anquer quare. We were able to get some videorecording about this, but no audio of environment sadly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMcC68ByXes&feature=youtu.be (it is my friends video, not me). I also have screenshot of players who were on the server. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/956137305528480901/E77BE34A0A31A614C8ED5F9CF199047C32C24E1C/ remember, Im not completely sure if she already left here. The character was a female and she teleported to my friend with m9sd and nvg's in the middle of the night, saying "don't shoot, don't shoot". And "she" killed two of us in a minute, even though the distance between our friends was around 3-4km. Then as we replied "Do you get some satisfaction about this?" then she answered "U mad BRO??!?". Lost our offroad and few rare weapons. Hope you can do something about it.

EDIT: added videolink

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it might have been the same hacker as mine explained here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=30860

may i ask how long after the event the screenshot was taken?

Since i notice my friend that was with me on the atv is on your screenshot, but not me, cause i had disconnected. So it was probably taken right after we got rocket spammed.

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I think like 2min after, cause 2 people of our group died, and we had 2 people left, and we didnt want to lose our gear to hacker, so we just logged off and took that picture, and yea, I think I logged out around 2:45am gmt+3.

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