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cat (DayZ)

Random Performance drop since latest patch (60% less fps)

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Since the latest patch, I am getting heavy performance hits that seem to appear randomly and last anything from 1-30mins.

On my PC I get an usual 30-40 fps in the wilderness near smaller villages, when the performance hit occurs, it drops to a stable 10 fps and stays there, no matter where, and the amount of zombies does not have an effect either.


AMD Athlon Dual 2.6 GHZ




Now i am not complaining about having crappy fps in the large town with that old machine, but that odd performance drop far away from towns is something that was not happening before the patch.

Could server load be connected to that? Usually when the performance drop suddenly stops, there seems to be a sudden increase in connection messages, the lower left of the screens is basically flooded with it.

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I have the impression i'm getting glitchy graphics since one of the new patches. Like walls going through my entire screen blocking my view when I look at things. Pretty common arma 2 graphics glitch.

ATI 4850

i7 920

DDR3 6Gb 1800Mhz

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Before the Patch i was running 70fps average with max settings but since the patch I'm getting 30 fps average :(

i5 2500k OC'd 4.0Ghz

GTX-680 SC

16GB DDR3 2000Mhz

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On single player I get like 50 fps but on MP I get like 10 sometimes and like 30 max... I didn't play before latest patch so I don't know if it would of been better before. But I think its related to the increase in zombie numbers, in towns where there is ALOT more it puts alot more strain on your CPU and GPU so its probably that. Hopefully it can be patched and optimised a bit!

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ArmA 2 is a very CPU heavy and framerates are mostly decided by your CPU power, not your GPU power. (though both matter.)

The leading cause of low fps in Day Z would be the zombie AI, not anything graphical.

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