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Dayz Gunplay is Broken

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Right now, it feels like you can assign a rarity to each gun, like common for the bk-12 and legendary for the m4, and nothing would be out of place. I think theres something wrong with that. The real only differences between weapons is mag capacity fire rate and damage. Thats about it. It not just like call of duty, in fact, its LESS fleshed out than call of duty. Adding inertia and weight to weapons would do a great deal of good for dayz, and change the pvp from being an arcade shooter to *click* with the rest of the game and support gameplay more than just on its own. 


Check out Deadline on roblox for ideas of how dayz gunplay could go, Trust. (its one of those games where you have to constantly say to yourself, "wait, this is roblox?")


other ideas to fully flesh out the system is to remove or soften the map based progression. It feels kinda cheap when you have to go the same route or general direction purely because of higher rarity tiers. The main downside with this would be being able to get an m4 on the coast and murder all the freshies, and have no inspiration to move or keep playing. The way to fix this would be to lower gunspawns enough that a good percentage of people will either be armed with melee or small arms, as well as changing the spawn zone to the entire map in certain areas (not especially near large military areas) and increase player count.

While that would greatly ail the problem with gunplay at the moment, it would also inadvertantly fix the monotone progression, overly competitive encounters (loot and shoot battle royale type of gameplay is what i mean by that)

the staleness of the game, and the current inability to make any other decision in terms of grand scheme other than what the game forces you to do, which is to go up (down in sakhal and livonias standards). Less dispersion of loot such as food and weapons (they can still be concentrated) would also change the idea of getting fully geared.

its no longer just a run to the "big top tier military base" and then just going back down and seeing what you can do before you die. Its a constant struggle, and the endgame is faded into the gameplay, which may seem controversial, but remember typically, the endgame is nowhere near as fun as clever and cunning scrounging as a bottom feeder. Not to make everyone a bottom feeder permantly, but to get rid of the stale, "oh well, im done now i guess" once you actually hit your goal of being geared, whcih is mainly due to the location tied into it.


That second take is more controversial and i haven't fully fleshed it out yet, but those are some possible ways to fix a problem that we definitely have

  • Confused 1

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