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Little Features that Would be Cool

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Pets. I ain't saying let us be able to tame a bear and use it to ride into battle like it's Far Cry Primal, but what I really mean is like cats, who we can tame with some form of meat, and they'll follow you and even hunt some small game like rabbits for you. Now I don't think the devs would add dogs cuz then they'd have to do something like make all the dogs in the map disabled like putting them in wheel chairs or they're missing a leg and I think that would be sad cuz that means that their owner had to leave them behind cuz they couldn't take them with them, but they'd probably have to do that so that they wouldn't attack other players cuz that would give an unfair advantage. 


Craftable furniture. I feel like it wouldn't be that hard to build a table or a chair considering the fact that we can build a 3 level high watchtower. 


Spear fishing. It would be a cool way to get food.


Glue. You can use it to glue anything to anything, and I can already tell if we had this then people, including myself, would glue explosives to cars and then ram them into bases and glowing them up. 


Leather canteen. You can craft it from leather and a sewing kit, though you'll need duct tape cuz you'll need to craft something to close it so it don't leak. 


I forgot to include this in a previous post, but I want the K31 bolt action rifle. It's a cool bolt action cuz unlike most bolt action where you have to grab the bolt handle, bring it up, pull it back, push it forward, then bring it down, with the K31 you just grab the bolt handle, pull it back, and bring it forward. Also it's a Swiss gun, and we don't have any guns from Switzerland, so yeah. 


Horse. You'd have to craft a saddle or find one, and you'll need to feed it vegetables and let it drink water from a body of water or a cooking pot. 


Can duct tape explosives that we can detonate remotely to players. The trolling would be magnificent. 


Slingshot. Would really only be a distraction thing but it would be cool. 


Guitars. No explanation is needed.

Edited by Devtryak

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