Drumbardosch 0 Posted July 7, 2012 Hi,I am pretty new in this game and after watching lets plays for hours I was really exited to start my own experience.So I logged in and nobbed around. I decided to move to the landside and avoid the coast because I saw many guys went into the first village and die there for no reason. After straying around in the woods for a few hours, I managed to find a few villages and barns. I found a Colt a Shotgun and a few supplies rather easy. Also I confirmed where I am, so that I could plan my further steps. I tried to move to Balota 'cause I read that you can get supplies there easy. Somehow my Plans get messed. I broke through another border of a wood and saw a big city at the horizon. I think it was Cherno. Remembering all the Warnings in Beginner Guides I went back into the forrest and tried to move around the City. Suddenly a Guy appears in frot of me. My graphics really suck so I dot know where he came from but I can tell I nearly wet myself. The guy looked through a Binocular so he didn't see me. I hided behind a tree and said "friend" in the contact chat. Maybe this was one big mistake, but I went along alone for a long time and I thought screw it this is kind of a MMO not a Single Player Game. While I said "friend" another guy came down the hill and I thought ( maybe the last thought of my Char) "Fuck there are two of them why should they let me live?" I aimed at the first guy and asked again, "friendly?". While my finger at the trigger moved a third guy came from behind and shot me right into the head. Over and out.Subsumption:I did not fire a single shot I killed nothing but ONE Zombie.Conclusion:I really don't know if I will trust anybody in this Game anymore. A little pity is that the Bandits even didn't answer. I mean I just had two shots in my gun and there were three of them ( also I am a realy crappy shooter in this game^^) but its kinda disrespectful threating my god old pal like this. What are your experience? Did you ever meet anyone how did not shoot at you or betray you? Did you still use the chat? Did the people answer and did they lie?I'm looking forward to some answers and I would appreciate some good advices.Please forgive my english ist not my motherlanguageSo longDrumbardosch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Markedgun 15 Posted July 7, 2012 My advice is that if he looks like hes active (Not afk or something) and you know he saw/heard your chat, then shoot him. Anyways, I have found a number of players who were friendly, new players on the coast, people up north, hell even a group in a van. So there are people out there, it's just rare to come up on them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scramb13r 0 Posted July 7, 2012 I aimed at the first guy and asked again, "friendly?".They're in the same boat as you, they don't want to die either. By aiming your gun at them you're not showing that your friendly, only saying it.If someone aims their gun at me, I will shoot first ask questions later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peliluola@gmail.com 28 Posted July 7, 2012 I really wish they implement some friendly gesture on the next update. Something that clearly shows your not going to shoot at them. Looking down is one way to go but a whole button for lowering weapon would be great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drumbardosch 0 Posted July 7, 2012 'scramb13r said: I aimed at the first guy and asked again' date=' "friendly?".They're in the same boat as you, they don't want to die either. By aiming your gun at them you're not showing that your friendly, only saying it.If someone aims their gun at me, I will shoot first ask questions later.[/quote']He didnt see my he was still looking through his binoculars. Also his buddy was looking towards cherno. I never saw the third one. Even I would like to find the mistake be myself I suggest it was a group of three or more gamers who worked together and startetd there raid in cherno. I had two choices: fire first or leave. I took the crappy third and act according to the law ^^ 'Markedgun said: My advice is that if he looks like hes active (Not afk or something) and you know he saw/heard your chat' date=' then shoot him. Anyways, I have found a number of players who were friendly, new players on the coast, people up north, hell even a group in a van. So there are people out there, it's just rare to come up on them.[/quote'] But using the chat is still alright or is it suicide? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arcadies 23 Posted July 7, 2012 This is a simulation of an apocalypse. There are no laws, no rules. Why in the fuck would you stand near a random group of armed men, who are activly scouting one of the more violent cities, and then say "AW SHUCKS GUYS, ARE YOU FRIENDLIES?" Moreso, why the fuck would you be confused why you died? You died because you're mentally slow, possibly full on retarded.In a widespread catastrophic situation, you would be dead. Your survival instincts are poor, and you would be one of the first to die. I'm sorry, but your skills in Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas have deceived you. You would not make it.Here is a hint for you. Avoid groups of armed men who are scouting a place out. They were hunting for targets, and some dumbass literally walked up to them and asked "friendly? friendly?" You made their work easy. Really really easy.What should you have done? First off, once you noticed two guys, one with binocs not looking at you, you know you've got the drop on them. You must then evaluate fight or flight. Which option means survival for you. You stated you only had two shots in your weapon and that you're a bad shot. So taking a shot would probably mean you don't kill them both and they retaliate, killing you. So you must flee. Depending on your distance from them, and the area they are watching, you may want to just dead spring away from them, away from the town. Hope and pray they don't see you before you have enough distance to where its hard to shoot you. Once you've got some distance and you look over your shoulder and they're not chasing you... then you can stop running behind cover to check to see if they are aiming at you. If they are, try and flee through cover and concealment.Here is a cardinal rule for you: Evade and Survive.You broke that rule and died for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted July 7, 2012 First time I met a survivor, I crapped em. He/she shot me! Second time i met a survivor, he/she aggroed some zeds and ran right up to me, I died. Third time I met a survivor I was terrified of being let down again. This one moved back and assessed the situation. From that point on I always move back (Weapon drawn or not) to signify I mean no harm. It hasnt let me down and you soon get to know the Killers from this simple gesture.I dont have a mic so dont scream down it "friendly" In fact i have been through the major towns / Cities with the only threat being Zeds and Fence and Tank trappers (blocking access) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drumbardosch 0 Posted July 8, 2012 @Arcadies Maybe you should read my posts again. I was not complaining that I died. Obviously I made the mistake contacting the guys. And maybe to "save" my reputation. There was only one tree between the Guys and me and I realized that there were two of them AFTER I contact them. I thought it was to late to disappear so I contact them again, well kinda desperate. Your are right maybe next time I should just lay down and pray.But I was asking of your experience with other Players. I get that you are telling me to hide from other Players. I would prefer to play this Game together with other Players. What are your advices to find friendly Guys? You maybe prefer getting supplies and hide in a wood shack togehter with Ben the Bear and this is also ok. Everyone tries to find his way to have fun in this game I guess. And by the way swearing and flaming doesn't makes your point clearer. So at all do you use the contact chat anymore? As I wrote I am not the kind of guy shooting others for loot (yet). But I think while I use the Chat I expose myself with no guarantee that the Guy who answers( If he will) is really friendly. So what would you advice? Stop using the Chat or use it and believe that there are some really friendly Pals out there?Drumbardosch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted July 8, 2012 Quote I really don't know if I will trust anybody in this Game anymore. A little pity is that the Bandits even didn't answer. I mean I just had two shots in my gun and there were three of them ( also I am a realy crappy shooter in this game^^) but its kinda disrespectful threating my god old pal like this. I'm going to give you some advice, its not just cynical advice, its practical advice:1) If you see someone and they don't see you, try to keep it that way.2) Only use chat as a last resort (you're cornered and outnumbered... nothing to lose by trying to talk your way out).3) Assume everyone is hostile as the majority are (really). That doesn't mean shoot on sight but it does mean don't make contact unless you want to catch bullets.4) If you don't mind dying a lot (and I mean a lot) you can try forming groups with randoms... this will nearly always end in your death, but its good experience for a new player, and maybe 1/10 will be a genuine friendly. Needless to say only do this on a new spawn when you have very little to lose.5) if you do try 4 expect to get tricked/back-stabbed more often than not. Learn to spot the signs! 6) If you really want good reliable teamplay, either bring a friend(s) or join a clan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyck@hotmail.com 8 Posted July 8, 2012 hm they can help u but when u get nice gear they can shoot or kill u still so i think its best to play wth pll u know Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nuingaer 0 Posted July 8, 2012 I've learnt to shoot first ask questions later. If they are still alive after shooting, and I think I have the time, I'll bandage them, maybe morphine for the likely broken leg (if I have any to spare), then leave while they are unconscious. If they are dead, I shrug and loot em. If I'm in a city and I had to shoot, I don't even check if they are alive. I get the hell out of that deathtrap before I bring all manner of crap down on myself. The only times I 'trust' a player is when I'm down on the coast looking for entertainment (usually binocular watching some newbie doing something stupid), and if they are close and it looks safe, I may venture down and yell 'friendly', get them to follow me, either lose or shoot the zombies in the hills. At that point I'll 'trust' the player so long as they don't have a gun. The minute they loot a gun - I point mine at them, tell them to turn around and start running till they can't see me anymore. Then I sprint in the opposite direction. NEVER trust anyone with a gun, unless you know them in real life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exitus (DayZ) 1 Posted July 8, 2012 The game is really nicel, the battle of live is great, i love this game but, i hate murders, hackers, corrupt admins and the respawn button.Without Hackers and corrupt admins is this game really funny...and the best thing in this game, is the support... i like it, it´s quiek and friendly...Sry, i know my english is terrible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pureevuls 4 Posted July 8, 2012 I used to only find people who would kill people on sight but i've been really lucky lately and found some nice people to play with. I was in elektro in the store, and a guy was bleeding to death with a broken leg, so i fixed him up with my meds, and then we got to talking. We then met with his friend, and through finding other people we have 6 people to play with now. Some people are just here to make everyones life a living hell, and others are just nice people.But yeah if we see anyone we dont like the look of, we are going to kill them, trying to get 4 people to spawn near the same place of the coast just takes too many respawns :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Black Veil 0 Posted July 8, 2012 Quote I really wish they implement some friendly gesture on the next update. Something that clearly shows your not going to shoot at them. Looking down is one way to go but a whole button for lowering weapon would be great.Double tap left CTRL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MorbifHalo 10 Posted July 8, 2012 Well if your friendly the admins for the clan(shadow of humanity) have got a server running seattle 123 doesnt show in 6 laucher but its there (weird?), we're an anti bandit group trying to build a dayz community in-game, help other players and loot city's as larger groups. we also hope to fill the server with friendly's as regularly as possible so if you dont fire on us and/or use direct comms we're always looking for more people to either join the clan or ally and work to make our server a bandit free zone as hopefully as that may seem :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jallweiss@gmail.com 1 Posted July 8, 2012 Shoot em all down. Let god sort em out.If I spot a player and they don't see me I typically will hide, and I may shadow them for a while. If I see a player with no visible weapons, I don't shoot, I salute. If they don't speak or type in direct chat I give a brief "hit , or . til it says direct. Hit caps lock to voicechat, / to type". 9/10 people I met in spawn areas with no weapons had no clue how to reply to what I was saying. If they follow me around I let them take weapons first, this has never resulted in a death (I usually just say "you bust a cap in my ass and I'll be back in 5 minutes to return the favor") If there are a TON of zombies around and I'm spotted by a player who is armed (especially high traffic/loot zones) I zig zag QUICKLY, I let them get the zombie agro by taking the first shot. It gives you time to get out of sight. From a safe place you can watch what happens, if they get eaten you can loot them. If they take out the zombies, cap em while they get their bearings (they shot first right?).If you play at night (I think it's a ton of fun) and you spot other players you can use "scare tactics" to elicit reactions. If you throw a flare in their direction, not only will you startle the hell out of them, you will draw zombies to their position. Smoke grenades can be useful for this too. If you are feeling mean spirited (please don't!) you can use light sources as bait for players. Go along a road, set up a firepit in the trees and stock it with wood, light it and go to a good vantage point. Many times players who spot this will think they can sneak up on you cooking meat, which leaves them vulnerable (I swear I have never done this, as it is cruel).I sort of got off topic there.Basically you gotta be smart and fast:-High awareness is a necessity (location, zeds, sounds, movement, lights, escape routes)-Typing in direct will get you killed unless the person you see has no weapon.-People with worse gear AND better gear than you won't hesitate to kill you.-People with worse want your stuff.-People with better want to keep their stuff.-You dont HAVE to shoot on sight if you aren't spotted its a risk/reward/moral decision. -Shooting people with no weapon is a dick move, you already have a flashlight.-Tactics and timing will let you bring down someone with a FAL, M4, even a .50 using just a makarov ( the last one is a bit tough :) )That's about all I got. Death is a part of the game, it's how you get better. Never get attached to your things. Learn the layouts of the major areas. Read up on the forums, wiki, tutorial vids. You will get better. Everytime I get into an engagement, any time I kill a player, any time I am close to death, this game gives me a huge rush of adrenaline, I can feel my heart pound in my chest. It has been a VERY long time since a game has done that to me (maybe RE1 or Clock Tower?)Anyway cheers,And don't shoot me... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites