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seattle 74 Admin abuse. please read..

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( I have streams on justin.tv of me losing the dirtbike to them and us getting it back later that night if needed as proof )

So this all happened yesterday and there are 5 of us that play on this server constantly and were all there for this..

So we have a dirtbike and tents set up in the woods we are all near our tents and as i drive off we got raided by the admins of seattle 74 and they kill 2 of us and take the dirtbike and some stuff out of the tents which is part of the game sucks to be us we are not bitching about this.. So later on that night my buddy rolls into a town and sees our dirtbike being ridden by the same 2 admins who raided us earlier and kills them both.. No more then 10 seconds later the server restarts ( which it has never restarted at that time before ).. So now we cant loot them and there bodies are gone when my friend went back to loot them after restart..

So now we all end up getting up there and now are looking for the motorcycle which moved because of restart.. luckily we found it siting perfectly next to a quad in some bushes.. So we take both of them to our new hiding spot save them and log for the night..

We get on this morning and they are still there sitting pretty so we are just hanging around them waiting for friends to log on so we can go roll around and we stop receiving messages from client and the server restarts again.. once the server comes up we go to get on and see that the same 2 admins are logged on as well after restart and now to our surprise the quad and dirtbike are both gone again..

Now we had that dirtbike for almost 2 weeks prior to it getting taken and we have 3 vehicles on 3 diff servers and never once have we had a problem with them disappearing..

The admins azrael and korinthius are the 2 doing this and it takes the fun out of the game for admins to be sore losers and pull crap like this.. Please Take the necessary actions required..

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update! We ran to our tents and all our tents are gone as well.. So im assuming they did a full restart to respawn vehicles if that's possible..

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They can't delete your tents. This happens sometimes after a server restart. Next time they do a full restart your tents will most likely reappear. As for the vehicles? Who knows....(assuming your hiding spot isn't out in no wilderness area)

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I know they didnt delete our tent i was just wondering if they like cleared the server or something and as of the vehicles we were in the map and like i said we were standing right next to them then server restarted and they were gone

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Vehicles do not always respawn on server restarts. Sometimes they just aren't there. If the server admins do not have a vehicle, or if the restarts are automated there is no way to know if the vehicles spawned in after a restart.

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When a server restarts, sometimes it doesn't connect to the hive properly so vehicles disappear. It sometimes takes another server restart to do it.

Also, your claim of admin abuse has no teeth. I see no admin abusing anything here, just another server restart causing another random player to lose his stuff...so the random player freaks out and blames someone.

It's a lot like religion really.

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