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=DiG= Zgraphz

I Need Help baddly

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Hello, i just got this game and i really enjoy it but the video rending on the game is so sloppy. I have a radeion HD 6570 g-card(not overclocked) im runnng a 600GB Harddrive, 3.1ghz processing speed, amd athlon II duel core processor, with 8GB's of ram. can anyone please help me? just need to know if i can switch certian settings that will allow better game play. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you even more if you try to help. im launching from six updater, i downloaded the game arma2 via steam, im not aware of the verison if anyone could give me the best updated diles and the best possible g-card tweeks would appericate it

Edited by =DiG= Zgraphz

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