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Tax mod on dedicated server

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Hi, played about 1000 hours in the game and have been in some powerful clans that are stupidly rich, and also came up against some clans that are just ridiculously powerful. My mates started his own server and I came up with the idea of a tax mod, like real life where you are taxed on your finances. I thought this would be a really good way of stopping the powerful clans getting too rich too quick and dominating the server. Just like in real life there would be tax brackets 


for example. If you own less than 100,000 you pay 5% weekly

100,001 - 250,000 - 10% 

250,001 - 500,000 - 15% etc etc 


basically the people with millions would pay something like 50% in tax weekly. 

would this be something that would be easy to build?


thanks in advance 

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