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Looking for one or two people to partner up!

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I just started playing this game a couple of days ago and it has become apparent to me that in order to be successful in this game, I need to partner up with like minded people :)

-A little bit about me:-

My real name is Ryan and i'm 20 years old from England. My timezone is GMT+0. I usually play quite late into the night, most nights a week.

-What I'm looking for:-

A mature, friendly person to team up with (And a good sense of humor!). Hopefully in the same timezone so we can obviously play together.

Once we get geared up, I'd like to start venturing into the northern cities/pvp hotspots and kill me some peoples!

Reply with your skype(or steam) or PM me if you like.

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add me on skype t11lmg. we play daytime and nighttime hours, EST time.

Also, I have 1 consistent partner.

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I'm more or less in the same boat.

20 something from England who plays most nights. pretty experienced, logged a few 100 hours.

playing on GMT time

add me on steam (cryptoparrot) if you guys want someone else to play with, I've got 1 other I regularly play with who I can bring along.

I'd be grateful for the company!

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