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Jamie Zwarts

Foliage Flattening and Restore Timing

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Hi lads! Now here's an interesting question.
Wondering if someone know the answer to this one. Which might seem trivial, but it's kinda crucial for my server.

You know when you lay down in the grass or a bush, it goes flat....
And after you get up the foliage also gets back up again.

Is there a setting to change the timing of that???
Can't seem to find the answer in various discord channels.

cheers! in advance

Edited by Jamie Zwarts

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69 views and nobody knows ? 🙂

I found this line in the world.c file

proto native void FlattenGrassRect(float x, float z, float sideX, float sideZ, float offset, float angleRAD, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01);

Now, that "timeDown01" has something to do with it.
But i have no clue how to override that or where.

If someone could point me in the right direction?

  • Beans 1

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