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server change wait times (xbox)

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the server change wait timer on spawns make it really annoying to server hop to try to spawn in the same city as a friend on the coast, it might be a specific use case, but in the case where two players want to meet up but have logged off far from eachother, you used to be able to server hop and respawn on the coast in a random spot when you jumped back to the original server you were on. me and friends used this often as a way to pick a city and meet up quickly, now with timers 

as if im going to run a hour every time my buddy wants to play, especially when we only have a hour or two after work. in my opinion it only makes it hard and annoying for friends to play the game together. 

it worked fine before the 1 min countdown for switching servers.  just another, baffling, small, punitive and time wasting decision that still makes me so mad to this day. this and so many other changes its death by a thousand cuts and the reason im not playing tonight.

I loved this game more than anything else in the world, i hate coming here to only be negative, but i just wasted an hour jumping around and running to find out where i spawned and running again, in the end me and bro said f- this and quit to play some lame battlefield game. this game was so much better 2 years ago

before I could get more chernogorsk city spawns and just meet my friends and start playing faster, it wasnt hurting anyone else or being abused really. why is every new change focused on hurting this meta. No i do not want to invest in crossing the entire map BEFORE meeting with bro, especially when were just in the mood to run around on the coast and act a fool. 



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