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Small group of 4; looking for 1 or 2 people

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We are a clan 4 strong and would like to extend an invitation to the community. We started playing DayZ in late April and have probably logged around 200-250hrs.

The criteria is as follows:

-Experience. Reason being that a new player could be a detriment to our lively hoods as time and focus would be needed to catch him or her up

-Consistent player. There are almost no days in the week that we aren't playing. Times range from 12pm EU/US-EST to 12am EU/US-EST.

-Age. We all are in our 20's-30's and would like to enforce the half-assed line of maturity that we've created ;)

We don't fit into any slot, bandit or friendly. We rover, we camp, we kill, we get killed (though the 4th option is not optimal).

If your interested pm me or catch us on Steam.

Pengs (me)



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I dont get it. are you in EST time zone? Why do you write EU/US?

I fit the description anyway, my time zone is GMT+1

skype. mio.rogvall (skype name is Goldeen)

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I dont get it. are you in EST time zone? Why do you write EU/US?

I fit the description anyway' date=' my time zone is GMT+1

skype. mio.rogvall (skype name is Goldeen)


I'm in the US and play 12-12 mostly, my time zone is EST in the US.

The rest of the group lives in Britain and are on the same time zone with each other which is +5hrs my time.

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I dont get it. are you in EST time zone? Why do you write EU/US?

I fit the description anyway' date=' my time zone is GMT+1

skype. mio.rogvall (skype name is Goldeen)


I'm in the US and play 12-12 mostly, my time zone is EST in the US.

The rest of the group lives in Britain and are on the same time zone with each other which is +5hrs my time.

Got it. Add me on skype and we'll talk?

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Helix, bassturd added you on Steam.

Goldeen, wasn't able to find your Skype name. Add us on Steam if you can.


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Guess there's no more place left, too bad... but here's my steam anyway.

I'm 15 but very mature (I know it doesn't look good on the paper) I live in Quebec (East of Canada) play really often, I have skype, teamspeak, mic, ect...

Steam: drakan8228

Skype: TheBullshitJammer

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I'd be very interested in this.

I've logged a couple of 100 hours in game now, either alone or with 1 other. I'm bored of skulking around alone and would like to group up. I already have some basic gear on my most recent character.

I'm based in the UK, am 22 and have a Mic, Skype, TS etc... I also play most nights and weekend days GMT.

I searched for you on steam but couldn't find you, I'm on as cryptoparrot if you would like to add me for a chat.


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goldeen, tried and failed to add you

cryptoparrot, added on steam pls accept

to artyom, im sorry but 15 is a little young, we already turned down jamiecole. sorry guys

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Well I had another group, was just looking for some other guys if something happens with the others, too bad people always think that younger people doesn't listen to orders and stuff... I play airsoft with people of 20-40 years old and I am a squad leader, I also readed the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks (Nothing to do on the road during a trip).

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I'd be interested.

Steam: HumanHighway

Same name in game.

27 y/o male with a good many hours logged. Got decent gear right now but tend to get popped by a group so think the next step is to join one.

Let me knw.

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