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Tone down the Hatchet Spawnage [Vid Link]

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Playing on us222 yesterday and the majority of loot spawns in a barn i was in were hatchets, normally wouldnt care but i had no food or drink so i was in need of anything other than a hatchet. This has happened several times before where over 50% of loot spawns were occupied by a hatchet, please ignore the shooting of the zombie this vid is about the hatchet spawns.


Thank you

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Yeah we have a running joke at the moment within our group about hachets, me and another guy were investigating the 3 barns in Gorka and we found a total of 10 hachets I think, pretty ridiculous.

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its just a little frustrating that there are 6 hatchets a pile of trash and a stack of wood, i dont think that hatchets and woodpiles should even spawn near eachother, the one creates the other. Either give me the woodpile or give me the hatchet(singular). oh well, i still love the game to pieces, just had to get the hatchet ordeal out of my system i suppose.

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Boxes of matches on the other hand are rare as fuck

Yay for free wood that you can't actually do anything with

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Hawk you make a very valid point, i get that hatchets are around for both wood gathering and now for melee(for the moment). i dont know if they increased the spawn chances on them to make up for lack of a weapon when spawning or not but it does feel that way. I think a viable alternative could be breaking the spawn chance of hatchets down into thirds, 1/3 chance hatchet, 1/3 chance matches, and 1/3 chance pile of wood. I would be ok with that, personally dont think wood should spawn but the 1/3 spawn chance would be ok in my book. it would clean up the loot spawns abit and still give new player spawns the ability to make a fireplace/get a melee weapon.

**SIDE NOTE** i think that all toolbelt items should have the same relative spawn chance with the exceptions being compass, map, and navigation(Is this a belt item?).

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But then if the developers did this, they'd get THERE AREN'T ENOUGH WEAPONS WAAA, etc. I see what you mean, but are you sure that you didn't just join a server that started up?

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DayZ+US222 been playing between that server and chicago 67 for about the past 3 weeks, and doesnt look like the server recently started backup, all the heli crash sites that i know of are still in place on us222 i do know that chicago 67 has restarted tho, my choppers are gone :(

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