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Darren H

Seeking friends to run with

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Hey, so I am currently not active in any dayz servers meaning I can come join any server that a potential group would like me in. I stopped playing about 2 month ago as the solo life was getting boring, I am still fairly new to pc dayz, however I have a few thousand hours on console so not a complete freshie, although I am well aware the console and pc versions are vastly different so still a fair bit to learn. I am able to be super active and more then willing to help out with pretty much any and all clan activities, although some I am more skilled at than others. I am a UK based player meaning my English is "fluent" although questionable at times ahaha not sure what else to say, but I feel this should be a decent enough intro, if you are interested in having me we can chat further via discord, darren_h_03

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