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tem um hack entrando na minha base e roubando armas, granadas e etc! não tem possibilidades de entrar na base sem abrir os portões (5) então só pode ser hack. isso desanima muito de continuar jogando, porque a gente passa horas jogando pra conseguir as coisas pra ser roubado por hack e fodase. eu não sei se tem admin no server oficial, mas tá chato demais de continuar jogando assim. 

servidor 3911 - south america

minha base fica em vybor em uma fabrica. 

se tiver algum admin que possa ajudar e banir o hack! 
meu discord: noulucas

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As far as I know there is no active admin on the official servers.
You can open a ticket explaining the problem on the B.I. feedback site, but if they haven't been able to do anything so far... I don't know... try.
You can try with some community servers, but original Vanilla ones are rare and often poorly managed.
Modded servers are many but, too often, mods are used only to distort the game even more.
It all depends on what you're looking for, but I think that on the official servers there is nothing to do against scammers, as things stand now...
¯\_(^~^)_/ ¯

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