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Walking Dead - Rick vs Negan

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IP address
Port: 26955

Hi Everyone,
I have started a new server recently (IP address and port as above).

Description: It is based on The Walking Dead with lots of slow shuffling zombies, skin craft and realistic stamina. It is a full 60 player capacity server. Currently, the game is based on Chernarus map, but I can happily change this to Livonia or Sakhal if that is what interested parties want 🙂

Goals: The idea behind the server is to promote both PVE co-operation and PVP opposition.

Concept: My hope is to create two core factions. One representing Rick Grimes and the other Negan. The idea being that players will sign up to either side or any random people joining in on the server can be coerced or bullied into taking a side... In an ideal world, this would mean players would band together and stock up and try and stick it to the other side. Since I myself plan to represent Rick's side, I would pick a home town somewhere on the map and use that as our base town (like Alexandria) and the other side led by Negan (whoever that turns out to be?) would/could set up their own base. After that, whatever happens happens...

The possibilities are endless....
-Are Rick's team swamped and forced to provide resources? Do they fight back and lose everything?

-Do both sides need to scout out the other side's base and plan to take them down?

-Will another faction form on the server? Could there be Whisperers (The skin craft mod is active in the game)?

-Could someone want to represent the Termites and feed on human flesh? Who knows?

Currently, there are 4 active players on the server. I don't know who these other players are, but they have been playing regularly for the past two weeks. I like the idea of randoms being there to mix things up a little and provide in-game recruiting...

If you are interested in taking part, please contact me below. The position for Negan is still up for grabs 🙂

Edited by scullyluke

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