MsiPro 0 Posted October 18, 2024 Was playing on a northmens community server or it was another server cant remember any names as its been about 2 months since this happened. I was in kamyshovo looking at the small island thats just ankle deep to get to on the way to elektro and i had my buddy near pd up on the hill. He was calling out a guy on that little island and I my player was prong with a longhorn with a scope on the cliff side on the road leaving kamy to elektro and next thing you know i get admin kicked for player cheating it says in the message. So i joined there discord and i asked why did i get banned and hour later a response that made no sense just said something about my discord name and tried to shun me for "cheating" tried to talk down on me made no sense so i tried other community servers and same message admin kicked player cheating. So im gonna run through the possibilities i was playing the server for 2 weeks on and off i didn't die once same with my buddy we ran around chernaurs twice i killed i think 4-5 people half being freshies lol and this is another thing i thought was as my friend was calling out were this guy was i was aimed in following a fence mind you there's mil tents and such on this little island its not vanilla so maybe i followed the guy through the fence without knowing and a admin was watching me i got no clue but would really enjoy playing on community servers again or at least an explanation of why and ive try to reach out to community server admins and they all say the same thing oh you really think were that dumb. like cmon man been playing dayz since 0.58 have about 3000 hours in the game i got a couple vac bans on my steam account maybe thats a reason they think im doing something but last option to try to get unbanned is to come here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites