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Any friendly severs?

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I just killed a man when he ran infront of me and I panicked, whoever he was, I feel really bad for killing him without a warning. Haha.

Anyways I wanted to repent and now I'm looking for a fiendly server (if there is one) anyone know some?

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Friendly as in no pvp? Doesn't (legally) exist.

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I have been banned for many friendly only servers. One of the times it was quite fun cause he had nvg's and ghillie suit and I shot him and got to take the nvg's before getting banned

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There will always be a bandit or anyone who likes to shoot on sight.

You either join the crowd or fight against it. You honestly can't escape it.

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You can find a server where there is a large friendly clan running, one that supports people rather than killing them. Servers that ban for PK won't be open for long as rocket/dev team will black-list them. Dr. Wasteland and his medics is one such clan and there is a couple of trading post clans.

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I h8 to ask but is that a freudian slip on your part?

In the title you typed friendly "severs" ..i'd say you "severed" the friendship between you and your victim...

then in the main body of the post you asked for "fiendly" servers... you fiend!

i'm just messin around dont mind me

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I h8 to ask but is that a freudian slip on your part?

In the title you typed friendly "severs" ..i'd say you "severed" the friendship between you and your victim...

then in the main body of the post you asked for "fiendly" servers... you fiend!

i'm just messin around dont mind me

He knows! Haha! Just kidding, I was over direct comms saying "friendly coming in fire station at cherno, if you hear me say so or i will shoot" and i went to top floor and saw him, panicked and shot and he shot at same time so we both died :/

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sounds like he wouldve shot first anyways, be glad you killed the guy who killed you

(thats a great line from the classic movie "the big red one")

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