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PS5 No access to servers

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I purchased the new DLC and downloaded the update. I can no longer access any official server and keep getting either a 502 or 504 gateway error, is there something I can do? I can not even play the original game.

  • Beans 1

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whoever thought that this update comes without massive probs and new map would run at release on console havn`t learned any lesson in the past.

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Is everyone else on PS5/PS4 still having issues like I am? I can get on my saved official server but that's it. Haven't heard, well can't find, any further news from the developers re this problem since Tuesday.

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Poooo, aí fica difícil, estragaram o joga e ainda tiraram os servidores oficiais e tá demorando para voltar, uma falta de respeito com o players que jogam no serve oficial.

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