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Crashed UH-1Y Dissappointment

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I haven't been playing DayZ for long, and neither has my friend, but we was running north when we found a Crashed UH-1Y. After clearing it out, we were disappointed to find only a 7.52 ammo box. Considering neither of us own a SVD or an M24, we were extremely sad.

Anything like this happen to any of you guys? Its a real disappointment for my first Crashed UH-1Y find.

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Did you look on the floor in a small radius around the copter? Most of the useful loot isn't IN the vehicle, it's strewn around on the floor.

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How dare someone loot the helicopter crash before yourself, this is an outrage.

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Haha, yeah shit happens man.

My friend and I actually fund three crashed choppers the otehr day and not a single one of them had any lot. Either it failed to spawn (two of them also had no zombies) or it had already been picked clean.

Was I disappointed? Sure. But thats how it goes.

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In the past 2 days, I have found 6 or 7 choppers, only found good loot in 3 of them, the other ones only had stuff I didn't want or nothing at all.

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I have found about 15 crashed helis during my play time, found so damn many FN FALs, nightvision FN FALs, Bizon SDs, medical crates and stuff but only one good weapon which was an AS50 on my latest chopper find.

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