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Booger Balls

Just concerned about improvised shelters on Sakhal

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Hey BI, boogerballs here! I am a console player. I love playing DayZ in a nomad fashion, and Improvised Shelters are my favorite play style.

Was wondering if the skins for the shelter were going to be white, and if they could shield us partially from the storm.

Also since Sakhals terrain has many hills, I was wonder if anyone on your team thought about the Improvised Shelters in Sakhal.

Ps: Make server 8846 NY on PS4 Mouse and Keyboard Friendly!

Peace ya'll! Love Anthony!

  • Beans 1

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And I'll add: Why The Suck are camo nets on SAKHAL green?!🤯
What camouflage does it provide like this...? It has no use here.

@Kyiara; is it possible to revise improvise shelters (made of sticks) and camo netting colour scheme similar way as ghillies are?
                  It makes no sense as it is right now...
                  Thanx for consideration

Edited by mexnomercy

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On 11/5/2024 at 4:03 AM, mexnomercy said:

And I'll add: Why The Suck are camo nets on SAKHAL green?!🤯
What camouflage does it provide like this...? It has no use here.

@Kyiara; is it possible to revise improvise shelters (made of sticks) and camo netting colour scheme similar way as ghillies are?
                  It makes no sense as it is right now...
                  Thanx for consideration

Yall do realize that there is still very much dark green trees and ares on sakhal right?

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