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zero sound help

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Ill start with something that is easy to overlook. When you start a game/program you can manipulate its sound volume in your system's settings. These settings are not visible when game is not running. What if you have these set to 0 or muted?

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nope mate all sound seems to be active although i dont here any in game 


edit when in full screen there is no scound but when playinmg in windowed there is sound ?? strange

Edited by jkng12345678

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Some people mentioned problems with equipment and its privileges - maybe its one of those issues. In windows's sound control panel you can switch options such as ~"allow applications to take exclusive control of xyz device". You can disable certain programs from meddling around there. Also some people say that reinstalling directx may help (pc reset needed afterwards), but thats on a level of experimenting really. I presume you have already done all the standard things, such as verifying files, removing dayz, manually removing leftover files and game settings and then reinstalling game...

Edited by nemorus

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