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PvZmoD_CustomisableZombies - How do I install?

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I am new to all this modding. I recently got a server and currently have installed a fair few mods on it. 

It has been a very steep learning curve for me as before this I knew absolutely nothing about how mods work or are installed.

I am currently at the stage where I know how to download the mods and put them on my server and the ones that need keys, I can do that bit too.

However, when it comes to the rest I am lost. I came to this because my favorite server has disappeared and I took a copy of all the mods he was using and installed the same ones on my server thinking it would replicate what he had, but have since learned that some of these mods need to be tweaked to make them work the way you want. It seems that this mod is the BIG ONE that controls how fast the zombies move, how alert they are and how many of them there is?

I have no clue how to get it installed or how to tweak it. I have read the instructions and spent a fair bit of time trying, but could really do with some help. 

Can anyone explain to me how it is done? I am on a Bisect server.

Below is a copy of the instructions and I have put the parts in bold that I do not understand.

These are the instructions on Steam

Installation Instructions

Common Steps

The mod needs to be load server and client side.

Subscribe to the mod in the workshop.

Copy the @PvZmoD_CustomisableZombies folder from your !Workshop client folder to your server root folder.

Copy the Liven.bikey file to the server keys folder.

Add "-mod=@PvZmoD_CustomisableZombies" in your .bat server launching file

("-mod=@PvZmoD_CustomisableZombies;@OtherMod" if you have other mods to load).
Note that this mod has to be loaded server and client side.


Profile files

These files will allow you to customise the mod as you want.

Start the server once, the Customisable Zombies profile folder will be automatically created in your server profile folder.

Launch the game and press numpad4 (you should see a red message), a “PvZmoD_CustomisableZombies_Admins.txt” file with your Steam64ID will be created in the Customisable Zombies profile folder.
If you need you can add more steamID in this admin file.

I do not recommend to you to use files provided by other mods (like SkinCraft) because I can't guarantee that they are up to date.


Set Your Server Custom Link in the PvZ information panel:

Not mandatory but highly recommended if you want your players easily access to your discord (or other website you choose)
Follow the tutorial here
(if already done because you use another PvZmoD, you don't need to do it again)



The installation is done. Now you can tweak the values in the xml files to fit your server needs and press numpad4 ingame (or restart server) to apply changes.

IMPORTANT (for future updates)

This mod is Fully Customisable. Tweaking means taking precautions to not redo things.

When futur updates of the mod will occures, always take a look to the patch notes because changements can occur in profile files that imply to copy again the files in your profile folder. I'll try to group these changes to not have to update too often and most of these updates should not be mandatory (as long as it is just tweaks).


Bonus advice

I Created a “News” thread that I recommend you to subscribe to because I will share on it some informations that can be useful. It is for you the best way to don't be surprise by updates that need some file adjustments for example.


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