FeskaXD 0 Posted September 29, 2024 Hello, I would kindly ask to give this server a chance, I know that theres little or even 0 players playing sometimes, but I think even if some people join, other would too. Thank you. 🌍 Welcome to Project Sanctum🌍 [Fresh wipe] Project Sanctum |Vanilla+|1PP|Party|Maps|Stamina+| Ip: Port: 2302 Map: Chernarus Day: 6x Night: 4x Discord:https://discord.gg/CMFJDBUB9v Mods:✅Dogtags ✅MMG storage✅Zen's Split Item ✅Stamina+ ✅Pressvest Colors ✅DayZ-Expansion-Navigation ✅DayZ-Expansion-Groups ✅DayZ-Expansion-Core ✅DayZ-Expansion-Chat ✅DayZ-Expansion-Book ✅Code Lock ✅Barrel Fix✅Ear Plugs ✅Auto Run Share this post Link to post Share on other sites