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Looting into container priority

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I've been playing for enough hours to say I don't understand the looting system. What decides where loot you pickup end up in your inventory?

Sometimes it's the backpack, sometimes the pants, sometimes the jacket or sometimes the vest. I can't for the life of me figure out where loot tries to land when looting into your inventory?

Why isn't it looted to the top most inventory you have sorted when you press tab? Or why can't we see where loot wants to land first?

You already have the inventory system sorted. Why can't you make the 1st be the first priority for new item picked up, and if it doesn't fit, try the second etc etc. Better yet, let us set where we want our priority to be, without moving our inventories around. literally anything would be better than it is now.

Googling gives you vauge answers that aren't true. Loot something and it will land in a random place where it fits. At least that's my experience.cheap and easy fix, HUGE quality of life for players.


Send me a check later when the playerbase thanks you for the change.

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Common gameplay experience:

You find a backpack that is larger or more stealthy than yours.

You drop your own.

You pickup the new backpack.

You quick loot the stuff from your old backpack.

Where does the loot end up?

Nobody knows! Everywhere and somewhere. It's shit. Sorry. but it is. And you (devs) know it. Force your project managers to let you fix this shit.

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