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Awful servers ever since the migration 5 month ago

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Basically the title. Ever since DayZ official servers migrated to the new "DE" servers, it has been utter shit & trash after 3-4pm up until midnight every time i decide to play. What has caused the servers to be so fucked up all the time? It's the pesky yellow/red (mostly RED) coloured "server" icon that pops up and causes disgusting lag for everyone. It's the reason me and my friends stopped playing about 3-4 months ago, we could never enjoy a weekend playing without this stupid lag. But, i seriously thought that there is NO WAY that this issue hasn't been resolved yet. But i was wrong AF. Is it cheaters that are duplicating shit? is it DDoSers? Wtf is it.. A bit of a rant, but this is so annoying. 


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