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How to screw with people

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I had just spawned in Elektro and found an M1911. My debug monitor was broken, I didn't make any noise, nor was I visible to zombies or players.

(By the way, next time I spawned, it was in the debug forest. But that's beside the point.) I was near the fire station, and I see a guy with an Alice Pack and an M4 crawling away from zombies attacking him. I shoot the zombies, and he starts trying to look around for me. He starts saying "Thank you, thank you so much." And I said "No problem man, do you have any mor-" And then I shot him 7 times with my M1911. Just for the hell of it. I didn't want his loot, I just wanted to mess with him.

Then the server reset.

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Where is the fun in this?

I honestly don't get it.

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Story two: I was still invisible in this one as well.

I went to the NWAF with an M4 I obtained, can't remember how. I saw a guy in the barracks. Just to fuck with him, I shot him in the knee, then he layed down trying to get into cover. I bandaged him, and he morphined himself. I then shot him in the knee again, and started throwing tin cans at him. He then disconnected.

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