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(idea) Map Zones

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What you think of diffrent zones with diffrent conditions?

I would suggest 4 of them, i painted a map to explain.

The first both dont change much, maybe weather conditions and a bit spawnrates of loot and zeds.

Green Zone (spawn area wich big cities and much zeds)

-infected spawn rate as it is now

-loot as it is now

Yellow Zone (inland)

-infected spawn rate as it is now

-loot as it is now

-chopper spawns as it is now

-maybe spawn random camps in the deep woods which spawn loot and zeds

The last 2 Zones are more dangerous, the infection was developed from the military in their area behind the airbase to protect their research area and the castle. The zeds are more and stronger because they are longer infected and wearing military clothes.

Orange Zone (regular military zone)

-higher infected spawn rate

-loot as it is now

-random dead military patrols and outposts wich spawn zeds and sometimes loot

Red Zone (military research and test area)

-high infected spawnrate (maybe 1-2 stronger versions of infected, longer infected)

-permanent bad weather in that area

-spawn random military bunkers, dead patrols, vehicles and stuff deep in the woods with many zeds around and loot.

- maybe a military field hospital with medic supplies and aggro doctor zeds wich are stronger than normal ones because they are infected first

-or spawn real enemy soldiers wich are not infected and armed to make it look that the military try to clean up the evidences


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Old topic, but maybe someone like it. so bump

Edited by Smithy

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I have a feeling you play deadfrontier.

And no, I don't like this idea. He only justification for the Zone placement is distance from the coast, and adds arbitrary difficulty. We already have "zones" as defined by zombie spawns, loot spawns, and player activity:

"Green:" countryside, anywhere without a town but a few buildings. Few loot spawns, few zeds, few players.

"Yellow:" small towns and city outskirts. More loot, more zeds, more players

"Red:" NWA, Cherno, Elektro. Lots of loot to be found,clots of zeds, lots of players.

We don't need hard coded, superfluous features added when the game already has similar mehanjcs as a result of the basic engine and player community.

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sry i dont know deadfrontier, whats that?

there are maps avaiable for arma which are much much bigger than the small chernarus map (think over 1400 km² and bigger) and with enterable buildings only, but i think chernarus and namalsk maybe are the only maps with much wood and namalsk is not bigger than chern

Edited by Smithy

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I don't think the size of the map is the issue. The fact is, this already exists. Where you find loot, you find zombies and players. Where the loot is better, there are more zombies and more players. Hence, you get "zones" without actually having to hardcode in the mechanic - which is the best way to do it, since the mechanic is better off as a product of community interaction and player actions than arbitrary "this area is red, it's dangerous" rules.

Dead Frontier is an action zombie MMORPG. Looting mechanics work explicitly of the concept of zones - further into the city you go, more danger and more loot. Each zone layer has tougher zombies. Easiest is green, with normal/easy zombies, progressing up to Black / Death Row, where you have pretty much all boss zombies and the best loot. Given the basic premise and color scheme of your suggestion, I assumed it may have been inspired.

Heck, just take a look at the map.

Edited by thorgold

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As i said:

The loot stays as it is, but as deeper you go into the military zone as more random loot and zed spawns will occour. The woods north of the nw airfield could be filled with zeds and random sites of intrest.

At the moment all players with "high end" military equip move to the coast and rape new players, there is no need to group up and find friends to survive.

I didnt say change the loot tables!!! i meant make the area in the orange and red zone more intresting and dangerous.

I thought storywise that the infection came out the mil test area (red zone) trough the military support area over the inland to the coast.

At the moment the 25% of the map north of the airfield is empty, 1 deer stand, maybe 1 chopper crash and 5 buildings. The rest is wood with 1-2 animals.

But there is enough empty wood on the map, i say make this area intresting for groups and more dangerous.

Edited by Smithy

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