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News Channel Heli Crash

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Recently I posted in the discord about this so I’m gonna make a post.

TLDR: Add a low tier civilian news channel heli/plane crash that spawns the press vest and electronics with batteries and compact guns

It makes sense that during a zombie outbreak, the most dedicated of news channels would send helicopters to report. These helicopters would likely have be given guns and handheld electronics to deal with any zombies. I think that in the lower tiers, there should be chances for survivors to find crashed helicopters for local and foreign news.

Heli loot:

Some loot that would make sense to be on a news heli and would help players if they found

1) Mid game weapons, like the mp5 or the bizon and shotguns.

2) the press vest and warm civilian clothing

3) Handheld electronics and batteries, maybe a new electronic like a camera

4) A radio that is part of the heli/plane should spawn, which is able to be heard on radio anywhere in the map (like a stationary field transmitter)


Lore: i guess Bohemia could drop some lore using the civilian news helis, like making the western heli one from a country that is still uninfected.

For the brand names you could do something like

BNN: British National Network, (not copywrited by cnn)

and The South Zagorian Today

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