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Dead Bodies & Flies...

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Watched a tutorial on YouTube and it said to listen out for the buzzing of flies because that means there is a dead player body nearby.

Have heard the flies quite a few times and even though I've hunted for ages, have not found a body. I follow the buzzing until it becomes quite loud but no luck.

Is there always a body nearby when I hear the flies?

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Not always, it's a known bug at the moment.

What probably happens is that a body WAS there, but it disappeared after like 10-15 minutes, but the fly buzzing effect still remained.

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Not always' date=' it's a known bug at the moment.

What probably happens is that a body WAS there, but it disappeared after like 10-15 minutes, but the fly buzzing effect still remained.


Cool, won't waste my time hunting too hard. Thanks..

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Is there always a body nearby when I hear the flies?

A sniper crawled up beside me yesterday and didn't know i was there. I shot square in the face with an Enfield and even though he went down he must have dc'd to die on another server cause there was no body, but the flies sound remained.

I hope they fix it soon, some places in town are deafeningly loud with flies at the mo.


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