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Infamous Cow

Workbench Access Violation

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I tried changing the source data directory within workbench to my P:/ drive, as described here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Workbench_Script_Debugging.

When you save this change, it requires a restart. Once I restarted workbench, I got this error:


Unhandled exception

Program: ...mmon\DayZ Tools\Bin\Workbench\workbenchApp.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 2696d095 at 0

[inflateReset]: ??? addr:0x7ff62696d095
[inflateReset]: ??? addr:0x7ff62691fdcf
[inflateReset]: ??? addr:0x7ff6268f8a07
[inflateReset]: ??? addr:0x7ff6268f656e
[zlibVersion]: ??? addr:0x7ff626b30e84
[zlibVersion]: ??? addr:0x7ff626aae426
[zlibVersion]: ??? addr:0x7ff626aad5cc
[inflateReset]: ??? addr:0x7ff6265f47a6
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff6272f3c21
[inflateReset]: ??? addr:0x7ff6265f45ee
[inflateReset]: ??? addr:0x7ff6265f508c
[inflateReset]: ??? addr:0x7ff6265f50d1
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff627c402f4
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff627bae0ee
[BaseThreadInitThunk]: ??? addr:0x7ffcf4c17374
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffcf5d5cc91
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffcf5d5cc91

(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)


I'm now unable to start the workbench. I've tried uninstalling DayZ Tools and deleting its directory from steamapps, but it still won't boot. Every time I try, I get the same error. Has anyone seen this before? Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve?

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I've managed to get workbench to boot again by unmounting my P:/ drive. Looks like for whatever reason, if the file path in the "Source Data Directory" field is actually valid, workbench won't boot (at least for me). I was able to recreate this issue by setting the filepath to an arbitrary directory, then rebooting, which crashed workbench. Renaming that directory then allowed workbench to boot. If anyone knows what might be the issue here, please let me know.

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