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New guns added?

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CZ: Zdravím vývojáře, vím, že plány ohledně Frostline jsou složité, přesto bych ale ocenil nové puškohledy a silnější odstřelovací pušky, k odstřelovacím puškám bych nedal že by byly generické ale např. aby se nacházely ve statických zónách (MB Pavlovo a Rify) jako menší podtext např. sss snow owl z modované mapy Deer Isle, také i něco na způsob toho že můžeme najít základní tělo zbraně a nacházet k tomu díly. Děkuji moc!

EN: Good afternoon to the developers, I know that plans around Frostline are complicated, yet I would be grateful for new scopes and stronger sniper rifles, for the sniper rifles I’d suggest so they do not spawn generically but would most likely spawn is Static Contmainated Zones such as (Rify and MB pavlovo) a little peek for the sniper rifles they could be similair to the SSS Snow Owl or the SSS Timberwolf, from the modded PC map Deer Isle, also I’d love that we would have to collect certain parts for the guns and slowly assemble them. Thanks!

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Cool idea,its Just that developers want to focus more on theire ideas,i still dont know how they want the game to progress,they dont want to add to much gun stuff,they dont want or can make It a simulator,they cant do things that could make the game Better,every update we just need to hope for the best

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Also we need the pks-07 scope

it is a eastern scope with 7x magnification for the SVD, the SV-98, the VSS, and the aks.

right now there are more western scopes than eastern scopes, and the western scopes have more magnification, putting players who like Russian weapons at a disadvantage 

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