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Okay I'm curious, why is it we have paper but no pencil? I know it's used as fuel for fire but really, that's it? I feel a pencil would be super useful. I mean you could mark places on the tourist map of where you are and points of interest, or places to avoid. Or heck even write a note to other players of stuff without having to give your position away with in game chat. Are we completely illiterate or just have no idea how to write? A pencil would make the GPS tracker actually viable when used with the map because you can pinpoint where you are and what's around you,. And if you travel enough it'll look like a sketchbook just everywhere on the map and not in one place. You can circle places of interest, X out places to avoid, and check mark places you've been, or use a dot to represent places to return to and good ways to use a shortcut if you lose your way.

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