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DayZ PC server console messages

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Hi, I run a PVE server on PC and have a question about messages. "Causing search overtime for M79, and I'm also seeing a lot of messages about various Police situation, Type Land wrecks about loot max, loot min and loot wanted with a deloot.

I've been running server for a few months, still learning.

I would post a screenshot, but I don't seem to have that option here. Furthermore, I uploaded a screenshot example here. https://ibb.co/55qp2mt



Edited by RHaas

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Under the M79 in types, I removed this line <value name="Unique"/> and the messages went away.

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"Causing search overtime" if I remember correctly is just it saying its having a hard time placing it. Its really just information and not an error as far as I understand. It will place it around the map anyway I do believe.

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