OzzieHouso 0 Posted June 23, 2024 Are you seeking an efficient and user-friendly method to create loadouts for your DayZ console or PC server? Look no further. Welcome to DayZ Your Way! At DayZ BoosterZ, we initially developed a highly intricate tool for loadout creation. Recognizing the need for simplicity, we are thrilled to introduce our new, standalone loadout generator: DayZ Your Way. Key Features of DayZ Your Way Loadout Management: Easily create and manage custom loadouts. Specify item types, attributes, and quick slot settings for each attachment slot. CodeMirror Integration: Our tool utilizes CodeMirror, an advanced text editor, for displaying and editing JSON data with syntax highlighting, line numbers, and a dark theme for enhanced readability. Note: direct manual editing of the JSON is not supported. Attachment Slot Configuration: Customize various attachment slots with different items, including quick slot settings and both simple and complex child items. Discrete Item Sets: Manage discrete item sets with unique spawn weights, health, and quantity attributes, including both simple and complex child items. Loadout Import and Export: Import existing loadouts in JSON format and export your custom loadouts to JSON files. Our tool ensures proper loadout structure with validation and helpful prompts. Note: Importing requires loadouts generated by our tool due to differing file structures. Important Notes Single Item per Slot: While the wiki suggests multiple entries for some slots with different spawnWeights, our generator supports only one item per slot. Loot Placement: Due to the advanced nature of custom loadouts in DayZ, some loot may not appear in the correct place. Character Selection: Our generator does not support character selection due to associated issues. Most users prefer their custom characters, which can be added manually if desired (list available below). Why Choose DayZ Your Way? Generating your loadout has never been easier. Simply choose your slots and items, click "Generate Loadout," and obtain your up-to-date JSON code to download or copy. It's straightforward and hassle-free. In return, we kindly ask for your feedback. Try our loadout generator for free at DayZ Your Way. For reviews and more information, visit DayZ BoosterZ Reviews. Thank you for choosing DayZ Your Way! Your simplicity in loadout creation starts here. (List of characterTypes) "characterTypes": [ "SurvivorM_Mirek", "SurvivorM_Boris", "SurvivorM_Cyril", "SurvivorM_Denis", "SurvivorM_Elias", "SurvivorM_Francis", "SurvivorM_Guo", "SurvivorM_Hassan", "SurvivorM_Indar", "SurvivorM_Jose", "SurvivorM_Kaito", "SurvivorM_Lewis", "SurvivorM_Manua", "SurvivorM_Niki", "SurvivorM_Oliver", "SurvivorM_Peter", "SurvivorM_Quinn", "SurvivorM_Rolf", "SurvivorM_Seth", "SurvivorM_Taiki", "SurvivorF_Eva", "SurvivorF_Frida", "SurvivorF_Gabi", "SurvivorF_Helga", "SurvivorF_Irena", "SurvivorF_Judy", "SurvivorF_Keiko", "SurvivorF_Linda", "SurvivorF_Maria", "SurvivorF_Naomi", "SurvivorF_Baty" ], Share this post Link to post Share on other sites