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In Domination mode, a player can create a squad and control who joins it. Can something like this be implemented and include an option to spawn together at one location rather than being scattered about?

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Only if the server you log into together is randomly chosen, and you thus cannot return to it to loot your body

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I think he means the original spawn. When 2 players first start it would remove some of the tedium to not have to run so much to meet your also-newly-spawned buddy on the coast. Since there is no real challenge in the "meet up" phase of the game I see no downside to it. No way to exploit it to retrieve your corpse.

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I understood. Having group spawns strengthens clans, which needs to be balanced somehow. My suggestion is to prevent them from ever being able to go back to their bodies or rejoin their friends. One life only, until next group spawn in a different server.

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if you just joined a server and are in the lobby you should be able to spawn in groups/clan members together it sounds like a good idea

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I am going to be the first to say it's a bad idea. Spawning together only helps the less serious casual players, and really hurts the clans. If more then 1 or 2 of your clan is having to spawn at a time then your clan sucks and you should find a new one.

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