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Ping limit on DALLAS servers

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Hello to all players and admins who play on DALLAS Servers. I would like to share some words with you in relation to your recent decision to set a ping limit on your DALLAS servers. I am not sure if this is a temporary or pernament decision as I have only experienced this ping limit of 220+ in the last five hours but I would like to say a couple of words in relation to the recent decision:

A few of us 'overseas' players (DayZ players from outside the USA) who have played on your servers are quite upset that you have installed the ping limit on your servers as they are some of the better servers in the USA. Personally, I have only ever played on DALLAS due their being open spots and a large amount of people always playing. For some of us oceanic players, it has the lowest ping out of all the other US servers and it makes playing in a different time zone a lot easier than say playing in Europe or elsewhere.

I understand that the decision of the admins and/or the server donators comes first as those individualds are willing to spend their own money to maintain their servers for the community, but realistically, if you worried about the fact that people with say 200-300 ping are going to affect the performance of the server or disrupt others gameplay, then you are mistaken.

The current limit is a bit overboard IMHO. Realistically, gameplay becomes choppy after 360 m/s in ArmA and Im sure many OFP, ArmA and ArmA 2 veterans can verify this, also bandwith plays a large factor with ArmA 2 servers as you can have a high bandwith yield and yet still have a ping in the 200-300 m/s and the server will be as fine if everyone was living and playing next door to it. The main problem with de-sync and lag on all ArmA 2 servers is the amount of bandwith that players are contributing to the server, NOT ping.

Anyway, I'll leave it to the community and if so, the DALLAS server owners to respond to this thread.

Happy Hunting.

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