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maps on dif servers

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been playing for a few weeks now and noticed that some times when i have a watch and a map it will display my current location on the map and some times it will not ?? seams to be server specific , whats the deal with that?

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Server operator going against the requirements set by DayZ. Report them.

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2 different answers , thanks but i will have to w8 for more to clarify . i will say i have not seen it mentiond in any info that it can be changed as part of the difficulty settings though

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Server operator going against the requirements set by DayZ. Report them.

no he's not, its a server option. stop being so mad

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On regular difficulty' date=' your icon will appear on map.


been quite new i still i tend to try and stick to regular difficulty servers and its still not consistant it would be nice to have it clarified in the server title tbh

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Server operator going against the requirements set by DayZ. Report them.

can you show me this requirement?

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2 different answers ' date=' thanks but i will have to w8 for more to clarify . i will say i have not seen it mentiond in any info that it can be changed as part of the difficulty settings though


In the main menu go to "options->game options->difficulty->edit" there is a list of all settings that can be changed to modify the difficulty/realism (in multiplayer those are set serverside).

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On Regular difficulty servers other players can see you with a white marker and a name over your head. I would suggest not playing on them for that reason alone, its impossible to hide.

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On Regular difficulty servers other players can see you with a white marker and a name over your head. I would suggest not playing on them for that reason alone' date=' its impossible to hide.


They need to spot you, first. They can't just scan the map for the white dot.

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