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So, Day:Z was a fail....

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We all noticed that this game is full of pkers. They do it just for fun. Just to share a screenshoot of their debug monitor with 100 murders.

Tents resolve partially the frustation of getting killed, you can get a decent equipment once you reach the tent (but you have 2 days to find another one).

I don't think there is a solution, because many people will always say "ohh STFU this is our playstyle", i would agree, but what playstyle is this?

Killing players before they get a menace? also survivors do it (they only wait until spotted).

If in a group of bandits, shoot on sight on everything? also survivors do it.

So we are all using the same style.

Going in the coast screaming for help won't make you a survivor, because in the case you dont get shotted (just because the player you'll find won't have a gun),you will start to loot and once you see somebody with a gun one km inland you will shoot. Guaranteed.

The only solution IMHO is to abort this project, and start a new one with not zeds, but ALIENS (Day:A? :D).

Several types of aliens. Great resistence to bullets (need cooperation to kill one of those). Human beings will be more close each other against the space menace.

I'd like something related to Falling skyes (this mod is relating to The Walking Dead, which i prefere to FA, but it will always be a FFA Deathmatch).

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At no point in the design for the mod were players not supposed to fight each other. The why of PvP isn't important, that's up to the player; that's what the mod is about. You choose how to play it.

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Can I have your stuff? No but seriously.

Stop playing solo and group up with people. It's a good way to survive. Also you complain about playerkilled what areas are you going into? Probably cherno/elektro/airfields. Those are pvp hell holes so avoid those and go north you will live longer.

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We all noticed that this game is full of pkers. They do it just for fun. Just to share a screenshoot of their debug monitor with 100 murders.

Tents resolve partially the frustation of getting killed' date=' you can get a decent equipment once you reach the tent (but you have 2 days to find another one).

I don't think there is a solution, because many people will always say "ohh STFU this is our playstyle", i would agree, but what playstyle is this?

Killing players before they get a menace? also survivors do it (they only wait until spotted).

If in a group of bandits, shoot on sight on everything? also survivors do it.

So we are all using the same style.

Going in the coast screaming for help won't make you a survivor, because in the case you dont get shotted (just because the player you'll find won't have a gun),you will start to loot and once you see somebody with a gun one km inland you will shoot. Guaranteed.

The only solution IMHO is to abort this project, and start a new one with not zeds, but ALIENS (Day:A? :D).

Several types of aliens. Great resistence to bullets (need cooperation to kill one of those). Human beings will be more close each other against the space menace.

I'd like something related to Falling skyes (this mod is relating to The Walking Dead, which i prefere to FA, but it will always be a FFA Deathmatch).


This mod is not going to be aborted lol, its pretty much a defestating success.

But I do like the falling skies Idea, great series, fantastic idea, seriously under-rated.

Good luck with that Idea xD

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OK so just for argument's sake, we have our new mod that's pretty much the same as the old mod. All the zombies have been swapped for murderous aliens instead. What's to stop the Death Match players dropping in and doing exactly what they are doing now? It'll be exactly the same as it already is. You'll still have KOS'ers, you'll still have players that go solo and get owned in high traffic areas and you'll have achieved absolutely nothing except swapping zombie skins for alien ones.

The simpler solution to getting repeatedly owned is to group up, strength in numbers and all that. Try it out, you'll probably live longer.

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I managed to live 5 days, before i decide to move to NWAF with a friend and get killed by ALT+F4ers (luckly, i hide my best gear in a tent).


I got Killed in middle of camps 2 kms while killing a cow.

I got killed while running near Vyshone (how is it typed? :D).

Me and my friend killed 3 guys outside mogilevka as they shoot us with no reason.

I killed a guy who was shooting someone else (and probably killed him) north of guglovo as he spotted me.

I know some places are full of bandits, and if i meet some one there, he is a bandit/bandit group for sure.

I play in a team often, if I am alone i don't play at all or at least to check my tents.

But I know this simple rule "A survivor is a bandit that hasn't shoot you yet".

And it was always true.

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