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Arrowhead inventory system: re - Backpack

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Is there a chance that, since you have to have Operation Arrowhead as a requirement for the game (well, Combined ops actually but that IS Arrowhead :p ) that the dev team would consider swapping the current inventory system to that of Arrowhead instead?

One of the biggest confusion factors for new players is how to manage their backpack contents given that the original Arma 2 inventory system is pretty awful when it comes to the backpack management system. Arrowhead's backpack system is much clearer by comparison, giving you a separate list of contents for the pack you have and uses a weight system instead of a slot system for equipment stored inside. Moving stuff to and from the pack is much clearer and checking your pack is easier at a glance when your pack contents are not listed in and among the whole inventory list on the left when you open your pack.

The only way currently to get a clear look at your pack contents is to open it when viewing a loot pile, drop items into a loot pile to shuffle stuff around risking it being swallowed by the earth anyway.

tl;dr Can haz Arrowhead inventory system please? ;)

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Agreed because I have no reason to say otherwise.

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Ain't actually checked out the AO inventory yet, as I only really started playing Arma when I decided to play DayZ, however with how you've explained it, it does sound alot better than the original ArmA 2 inventory system.


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Yeah to give people who have not yet tried out Arrowhead as a game an idea of what I mean. Here is a screenshot I found of the inventory.


Note the second list on the bottom left. This is your ruck. Top left is the usual list of items out of the ruck and also in loot/gear piles. When you move anything out of the ruck it goes to your main inventory slots on the right if there is room. If not then it goes nowhere until you make room. It is much easier to use and I am surprised DayZ devs have not used it off the bat. :)

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If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the ACRE mod or ACE mod inventory system, which isn't actually part of ArmA II?

Also pretty sure that they do use the Arrowhead inventory system for DayZ.

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No I am sure that layout is standard in Arrowhead... I do have ACE on my install though but I have played it without ACE initially and am sure it had it. Still, now you mention it I guess I should check it out without ACE.

I think that ACE only adds medical supply slots to that inventory, which are housed between the primary inventory slots and the secondary weapon slots below.

Will check it out later and report back.

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i'm pretty sure that A2 and OA has the same inv system.

But I use CO, and I know for a fact that DayZ uses the dame in CO

I just tested out A2, it uses the same as OA.

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Ugh ok then guess what I have been using when playing OA/CO has come from having ACE installed.

Sooooo... new suggestion to the devs. Any chance of speaking to the guys from ACE about adopting their system....? :p

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