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UK63 m107_TWS

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I'm the admin on uk63 and someone mentioned to me about players teleporting on the map so i said i would investigate, after a bit of checking for any form of script hacks i couldn't find said teleporter but i did notice

10:49:16 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',false,,[81,[4314.97,10328.9,0.00143433]],[["ItemWatch","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemEtool","ItemGPS","NVGoggles","Binocular_Vector","ItemToolbox","ItemMap","M4A1_AIM_SD_camo","ItemMatchbox","ItemFlashlight","revolver_EP1"],["ItemBandage","ItemWaterbottle","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","FoodSteakCooked","6Rnd_45ACP","6Rnd_45ACP","6Rnd_45ACP","6Rnd_45ACP","6Rnd_45ACP","Skin_Sniper1_DZ"]],["DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",[["BAF_AS50_TWS"],[1]],[["ItemPainkiller","ItemMorphine","ItemBloodbag","10Rnd_127x99_m107"],[2,1,3,1]]],[1024,1027,1027],"Sniper1_DZ",0.92]"

I've taken the users id out just incase this is legit but as far as i'm aware the BAF_AS50_TWS is not a dayz weapon, whether he's picked it up off another player who hacked it in

or if he did it himself, i have placed a temporary ban on the player for now until i have more details and will lift it as soon as someone can give me any insight into this.

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EDIT: Didn't notice the TWS :P I don't believe this is in-game.

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Thank you :).

Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server, one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz'

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Thank you :).

Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server' date=' one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz'


Just had another damn hacker turn up in a tank on the server!!! Banned the guy, commandeered the tank, waiting to find out from dayz staff what to do with it, whether to drive it in a lake or if they'll remove it, we've had buildings randomly falling apart and collapsing as well... seems alot of hackers like our server :(

got fraps vid of the guy in the tank and got the guys details for the staff if needed

Thank you :).

Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server' date=' one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz'


Just had another damn hacker turn up in a tank on the server!!! Banned the guy, commandeered the tank, waiting to find out from dayz staff what to do with it, whether to drive it in a lake or if they'll remove it, we've had buildings randomly falling apart and collapsing as well... seems alot of hackers like our server :(

got fraps vid of the guy in the tank and got the guys details for the staff if needed

Two more users with thermal as50's i'm gonna start putting id's and names in here at this rate, so far thats 5 today alone!

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Thank you :).

Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server' date=' one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz'


Just had another damn hacker turn up in a tank on the server!!! Banned the guy, commandeered the tank, waiting to find out from dayz staff what to do with it, whether to drive it in a lake or if they'll remove it, we've had buildings randomly falling apart and collapsing as well... seems alot of hackers like our server :(

got fraps vid of the guy in the tank and got the guys details for the staff if needed

Thank you :).

Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server' date=' one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz'


Just had another damn hacker turn up in a tank on the server!!! Banned the guy, commandeered the tank, waiting to find out from dayz staff what to do with it, whether to drive it in a lake or if they'll remove it, we've had buildings randomly falling apart and collapsing as well... seems alot of hackers like our server :(

got fraps vid of the guy in the tank and got the guys details for the staff if needed

Two more users with thermal as50's i'm gonna start putting id's and names in here at this rate, so far thats 5 today alone!

As of 01:59 GMT+1 (UK Time) 7 people today on the server with either as50_TWS or m107_TWS, latest one i've found had both m107_TWS and m4_hws_GL_SD or something. Honest cannot see what people gain from this, half the fun in the game is finding the guns (that are actually in the game)

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Thank you :).

Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server' date=' one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz'


Just had another damn hacker turn up in a tank on the server!!! Banned the guy, commandeered the tank, waiting to find out from dayz staff what to do with it, whether to drive it in a lake or if they'll remove it, we've had buildings randomly falling apart and collapsing as well... seems alot of hackers like our server :(

got fraps vid of the guy in the tank and got the guys details for the staff if needed

Thank you :).

Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server' date=' one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz'


Just had another damn hacker turn up in a tank on the server!!! Banned the guy, commandeered the tank, waiting to find out from dayz staff what to do with it, whether to drive it in a lake or if they'll remove it, we've had buildings randomly falling apart and collapsing as well... seems alot of hackers like our server :(

got fraps vid of the guy in the tank and got the guys details for the staff if needed

Two more users with thermal as50's i'm gonna start putting id's and names in here at this rate, so far thats 5 today alone!

As of 01:59 GMT+1 (UK Time) 7 people today on the server with either as50_TWS or m107_TWS, latest one i've found had both m107_TWS and m4_hws_GL_SD or something. Honest cannot see what people gain from this, half the fun in the game is finding the guns (that are actually in the game)

Their fun is depriving the enjoyment of legit players to the game. A cruel way of having fun at the expense of others, but these things happen. But look on Wiki there are a list of weapons that are in the game. So any of the ones not in, might as well ban them forever for having them.

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