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datguy (DayZ)

suggestion: starter packs

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Any chance we could get the patrol pack (coyote) removed from the mod and make the assault pack the starter backpack?

Reason being, the patrol pack won't take a primary weapon. which means, when you do find a rifle or shotgun of some kind, you can't put it away and use your axe because the pack is two slots too small. The assault pack is ten slots, and if you juggle your inventory, you can put your rifle away and not have to risk losing it to a server crash, restart or random DC by putting it down on the ground to kill a zombie or animal quietly, or break into a hospital without wasting ammo.

I have no problems with the naked spawn, I'd just like to start with a pack that can fit a gun when I find one. If you don't ask you never know.

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I like this suggestion. Using the axe in general seems really cumbersome. Seems to me it's more fitting to replace secondary slot than primary slot anyway. It's a shame you can't really "sneak" up on z's too. A silent "splinter cell" style execution would be awesome and is standard fare in most zombie fiction.

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Go find the pack instead? It's not that hard, why do people keep on wanting things to be more easier and easier?

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The bags are uncommon loot for a reason;they're good items. You really don't need a bigger starting bag just so you can use an axe. And Superior is right, if you walk around in cherno/electro for a bit, you will eventually find an ALICE pack or a czech pack. Also, the assault pack is 12, not 10 =).

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Aw, a weapon won't fit in your starter pack, so you can only carry one? Well, I guess that means you have to go find a new pack!

Really. This suggestion is along the same lines of crying for weapons on spawn back. Yes, it's inconvenient. Yes, it makes the game somewhat harder. Life's a bitch, adapt and overcome.

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why would he upgrade. if this was done then that would mean there would be 2 useless backpacks instead of one.

as of now there is a checkz vest pouch which only holds 6 items and honestly no one ever uses it because its worse than the beginning one.

If anything the petrol pack should be downgraded as there (in my opinion) should never be useless items in the game like it currently is.

now i know some will say but tin cans are useless? wrong they are actually very important especially with the loss of the starting pistol which again brings me to everything has something expect for the checkz vest.

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Actually, make it more realistic and eliminate the pack altogether until you find one!

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Question how is it realistic that you would wake up in the MIDDLE no more like the END of an apocalypse with NOTHING... I believe you'd have at least a backpack or you would have died by now ^^. honestly those hoping for it to be realistic make me laugh. Yes the realistic aspects are nice but in no way is this a real zombie apocalypse. Honestly, this stuff you guys try hiding behind realistic aspects in fact is only to make it harder for noobs. And if you deny that then it is 100% sad. Honestly I don't care if you start off with a pack or not ;P I can always find one and I usually find one before I fill up the character space. I just hate it when people try and hide changes they want in the "realistic" category when in fact it does the opposite.

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Jesus why is everyone so bitchy and rude on this forum. Try not being such assholes. I agree with OP that you should be able to use an hatchet without sacrificing your primary weapon to the glitch gods of dropped weapons. Hatchets should take up secondary slots anyway, IMO.

Just because you're an early adopter of the game doesn't give you the right to be an asshole to newcomers that make suggestions to make entry in to the game more enjoyable/accessible. Grow the fuck up.

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Question how is it realistic that you would wake up in the MIDDLE no more like the END of an apocalypse with NOTHING... I believe you'd have at least a backpack or you would have died by now ^^. Honestly, this stuff you guys try hiding behind realistic aspects in fact is only to make it harder for noobs. And if you deny that then it is 100% sad. Honestly I don't care if you start off with a pack or not ;P I can always find one and I usually find one before I fill up the character space. I just hate it when people try and hide changes they want in the "realistic" category when in fact it does the opposite.

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Simple answer, people are rude and bitchy because they are passionate and opinionated.

This is a unique situation where an excellent mod has been opened to the public for constant feedback during development, and people see it as an easy way to have their own ideas come o life.

It would be even nicer if you could just use your hatchet from your tool belt.

Doesn't that make realistic sense?

Can't use axe because it's clipped to my belt. Oops

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Question how is it realistic that you would wake up in the MIDDLE no more like the END of an apocalypse with NOTHING... I believe you'd have at least a backpack or you would have died by now ^^. honestly those hoping for it to be realistic make me laugh. Yes the realistic aspects are nice but in no way is this a real zombie apocalypse. Honestly' date=' this stuff you guys try hiding behind realistic aspects in fact is only to make it harder for noobs. And if you deny that then it is 100% sad. Honestly I don't care if you start off with a pack or not ;P I can always find one and I usually find one before I fill up the character space. I just hate it when people try and hide changes they want in the "realistic" category when in fact it does the opposite.


It makes me laugh when people start arguing about the realism (or lack of it) of a zombie apocalypse. To the best of my knowledge, there's never been one. There are only interpretations of them: yours, his, John Romero's, mine, Rockets, whoever. Each of them have their own merits (except for the one where slowly shambling zombies somehow overtake sprinting humans and pull them down--what a crock of shit).

I agree that the starting pack is too small. I also believe that that, along with not having anything else you need, is a strong motivation to go find something better.

Incidentally, LT.Sacred, nobody in this thread mentioned anything about realism until you did. Congratulations hanging yourself with your own stupid argument.

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Slings to the weapons would solve all of our problems. Who knows how easy it is to add them though? Arma 2 is glitchy in many ways. I cant wait to see how much better the Arma 3 inventory will be! Everyone should be starting with a melee weapon and a bag. thats the nature of a survivalist. They are always prepared. Who on earth would ever have to go to a city packed with zombies just to find some sort of stick? You bring a stick with you to the city. Chances are you had a metal wrench or a tool of some kind in your car that you took with you when you abandoned it. Cough cough add crowbar to starting equipment...

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The vest pouch should be removed, just a waste of an item. Crowbar is not an OP starter too.

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L.T.Sacred, you might be surprised to find that the guy who suggested starting with nothing is a 50 yr old noob. Think I figured out what CoD kiddies are and I am way to slow to ever be one of them. Starting with nothing just appeals to my style of play - sneaky rather than all must die.

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